Panasonic Life Solutions India (PEWIN), a manufacturer of modular and non-modular electrical switches in India, and a subsidiary of Panasonic Corporation, a Japan-based multinational electronics company, has opened a new manufacturing unit in Daman, Gujarat, marking its initial foray into lighting product production in India.

The company has invested USD $180,000 (INR15m) in the new facility, which will facilitate in-house manufacturing of lighting products, aligning with the company’s growth plans.

Kuniyasu Shimaoka, Managing Director – Global Lighting business, Panasonic Corporation, said: “We see enormous potential in India especially with regards to the manufacturing industry. The INR15m investment is set with the objective of expanding our business in India. Keeping in mind the 10th anniversary of Make in India, Panasonic (PEWIN) aims to start manufacturing in Daman to speed up inland manufacturing while continuing business with Indian suppliers.”

The new facility will initially manufacture lighting fixtures such as downlights before eventually expanding to other product lines. Currently, the manufacturing capacity in the first year is 1.5 lakh units, and it is planned to expand by 115% for the whole Lighting industry in FY2024.

The company aims to contribute to the country’s future growth potential and accomplish strategic business initiatives between FY2023 and FY2024.


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