Infosys BPM, a division of India-based business process management services provider Infosys, has announced the opening of its second location at the Montana Industrial Park in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico.

The expansion will generate 325 new jobs that will be added to the current workforce of 300 workers.

With the newly established office, Infosys BPM will increase its ability to serve a wider range of clients in industries such as aerospace, healthcare, insurance, finance and telecommunications. This development will create job opportunities for local knowledge work and customer support experts, which is expected to benefit the economic growth of the island’s northwestern part.

Anantha Radhakrishnan, CEO and managing director at Infosys BPM, said: “Our expanded new facility in Puerto Rico is another significant step towards accelerating innovation for global companies, as Infosys BPM continues to be laser-focused on providing value from great processes and compelling experiences. We appreciate the immense support given to us by local policy makers to accelerate our vision for shared progress.”

This new site is funded through a $200,000 investment and backing from the Puerto Rico Economic Incentive Fund, provided by the Department of Economic Development and Commerce (DDEC).

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